Therapeutic Exercises and Stretching

Therapeutic exercises and stretching involve targeted activities designed to improve a child’s flexibility, strength, range of motion, and overall physical function. These exercises are customized to address specific physical limitations, such as tight muscles, restricted movement, or weakness.
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Therapeutic Exercises and Stretching
Why Are Therapeutic Exercises and Stretching Important

Why Are Therapeutic Exercises and Stretching Important?

Therapeutic exercises and stretching are vital components of physical therapy because they can reduce strain and discomfort and promote participation in a wide variety of activities of daily living and play. Key benefits include:

Signs of Challenges

Children who may benefit from this type of therapy often exhibit the following signs:
  • Limited flexibility or difficulty moving joints through their full range of motion
  • Tight or shortened muscles, leading to awkward or uncomfortable movements
  • Weakness in specific muscle groups affecting balance, coordination, or stability
  • Difficulty keeping up with peers during physical activities due to low endurance

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How Physical Therapy Can Help

At Chicago Kids Therapy, our physical therapists design therapeutic exercise and stretching programs tailored to each child’s specific needs and developmental goals. Our therapy sessions focus on engaging, play-based activities that motivate children to participate while building their physical skills. Therapy may include:

Stretching Routines

We focus on functional, active stretching techniques by facilitating the child in a variety of postures.
Customized Stretching Routines


Physical therapists are trained to target specific muscle groups by changing the activity, positioning, or cueing/assistance.
Strengthening Exercises

Mobility Training

Exercises that mimic real-life movements, such as squatting, reaching, or stepping, to improve everyday function.
Functional Mobility Training

Don’t Wait to Get the Care Your Family Needs

Our goal is to empower children to move confidently and comfortably in their daily lives. By incorporating therapeutic exercises and stretching into our physical therapy approach, we help children overcome physical challenges, improve their overall fitness, and achieve greater independence.
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