Gross Motor Skills Development

Gross motor movements are produced when the body can coordinate the skeletal muscles, bones, and nerves to participate in tasks that involve large muscles in our torso, legs, and arms. 
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Gross Motor Skills Development
Why Are Gross Motor Skills Important?

Why Are Gross Motor Skills Important?

Developing strong gross motor skills is critical for a child’s physical development and ability to navigate their environment confidently. These skills are vital because they:

Signs of Gross Motor Challenges

  • Avoidance of physical activities or play that requires movement
  • Poor posture or slouching when seated
  • Difficulty coordinating movements such as jumping, hopping, or running
  • Low endurance or quick fatigue during physical tasks
  • Frustration or avoidance of physically challenging activities

We Love Helping Families Just Like Yours

Learn how our therapy services can support your child's gross motor development. Reach out to our team to schedule an evaluation today!

Take the First Step Toward Your Child’s Success!

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How Physical Therapy Can Help

At Chicago Kids Therapy, our physical therapists work with children and their families to develop strong gross motor skills, which are established through interventions that provide the appropriate level of assistance and cueing throughout the stages of care. We are passionate about implementing fun and engaging treatments that may include:

Core Strengthening and
Balance Exercises

Activities that build trunk, pelvic, and postural stability—such as seated and standing balance tasks, prone weight-bearing, or sit-ups.
Core Strengthening and Balance Exercises

Motor Planning and
Coordination Activities

Fun exercises like obstacle courses, yoga poses, animal walks, and ball skills that enhance coordination, strength, and endurance.
Motor Planning and Coordination Activities


Incorporating a child’s favorite game or toy into movement activities, building their confidence to slide, jump on a trampoline, or climb a rock wall.
Functional Play

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