Functional Mobility and Gait Training

Functional mobility and gait training focus on improving the way children transition, walk, and navigate through their environment. Gait refers to the pattern of walking, including how the feet, legs, and body work together to move. Functional Mobility training addresses the overall ability to move efficiently, safely, and independently, enhancing a child's quality of life and participation in everyday activities.
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Functional Mobility and Gait Training
Why Are Mobility and Gait Training Important

Why Are Mobility and Gait Training Important?

Developing strong functional mobility and gait skills is crucial for children as they grow and learn to explore the world around them. These skills are important because they:

Signs of Challenges

Children experiencing difficulties with mobility and gait may exhibit:
  • Unusual walking patterns, such as toe walking, wide gait, or excessive side-to-side movement Poor balance or frequent tripping and falling
  • Asymmetrical movements, like favoring one side of the body
  • Difficulty keeping up with peers during physical activities
  • Avoidance of walking long distances or reluctance to engage in active play

We Love Helping Families Just Like Yours

Learn how our therapy services can support your child's gross motor development. Reach out to our team to schedule an evaluation today!

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How Physical Therapy Can Help

At Chicago Kids Therapy, our physical therapists specialize in mobility and gait training to help children develop safe and efficient movement patterns. We provide individualized therapy that targets each child’s specific needs, using evidence-based techniques to promote optimal mobility. Therapy may include:

Gait Analysis
and Correction

Detailed assessment of walking patterns to identify weakness and imbalances, followed by targeted exercises and guidance to support a more efficient gait pattern.
Gait Analysis and Correction

Balance and
Coordination Training

Activities that enhance balance and coordination are essential for smooth and stable walking.
Balance and Coordination Training

Strength and
Endurance Building

Exercises that target key muscle groups to support walking and overall mobility, helping children gain the strength needed for daily activities.
Strength and Endurance Building

Don’t Wait to Get the Care Your Family Needs

Our goal is to empower children to move confidently and independently, enhancing their ability to participate fully in their daily routines. By focusing on functional mobility and gait training, we help children achieve the movement skills necessary for success in school, at home, and in their communities.
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Frequently Asked Questions

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